Best Ways to Stop a Woman on the Street


 We’ve all seen a woman pass us on the street that catches our eye and intrigues us to the point of entrancement. How do you step out of your comfort zone and approach her, right there on the street and completely out of the blue? It’s not something that many people would even consider doing, but it can be incredibly romantic and can save you from missing what could be the opportunity of a life time. Here’s how to catch her eye, make sure she sees you and engage her in a conversation that will make the situation romantic instead of awkward.

1. Eye contact
Nearly every book, list or website you read about how men can connect better with women will mention eye contact. And they’re right. With the pretty lady you see on the street, make eye contact as soon as possible. Keep your eyes locked, too, so she knows that it wasn’t just chance that your eyes met. Once eye contact has been made, make sure she knows you are trying to get her attention. Wave, nod – something obviously attention getting.

2. Use your voice
If you’re on a loud street, you’ll need to speak up. Make sure the ends of your sentences aren’t getting lost in the noisy bustle around you. This is particular important if she’s a distance away and not near enough to hear you talking at a normal volume. Stay calm and keep your words simple so she can understand.

3. Don’t follow
You don’t want to rush after her. This displays neediness and might scare her. Instead, hold your ground and make sure she has heard you and has seen your eye contact. Compliment her so she’ll have a reason to slow down and engage you. If you need to, try complimenting a few random people throughout the day and seeing what kinds of responses you get. Note what works best so you’ll be prepared when the woman of your dreams strides past.

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